Papers for Euler Circle Markov Chains, Fall 2020
Aaron Luo:
Jordan canonical form
Adam Zweiger:
MCMC and the Ising model
Alan Lee:
Cover times
Alexandre Acra:
The Central Limit Theorem--overview, proof, examples
Amulya Bhattaram:
Proof of Pólya's recurrence theorem using electric networks
Andrew Chang:
Andrew Lee:
Queueing theory and epidemic modeling
Anthony Leong:
Summary of random walks on networks
Atharv Sampath:
Optimal transportation
Atticus Kuhn:
Perron Frobenius Theorem
Bohong Su:
A gentle introduction to the Central Limit Theorem
Darren Yao:
Introduction to cover times of random walks
Dhruv Raghavan:
Central Limit Theorem
Ekam Kaur:
Card shuffling
Emma Cardwell, Joshika Chakraverty, and Katherine Taylor:
Brownian motion
Grace Cai:
Markov chain Monte Carlo
Ishaan Patkar:
An axiomatic introduction to formal probability theory
Jack Hsieh:
Analysis of the riffle
Jerry Sun:
Brownian motion
Kevin Xu:
Random walks in groups
Kishan Jani:
Brownian motion
Laker Newhouse and Josh Zeitlin:
Measure theory: why intuitive probability isn't enough
Lorenze Wolczko:
Cover times
Madelyn Cruz:
Queueing theory
Mark Takken and Tristan Liu:
The Galton-Watson branching process
Mehana Ellis:
Brownian motion
Neil Makur:
Generating functions in probability
Neil Shah:
Generating functions in probability
Nikash Gupta:
The Perron-Frobenius Theorem
Parth Chavan:
Perron-Frobenius Theorem and Google page rank
Rajeev Sharma:
Sajid Rizvi:
Seven shuffles for the win
Sarah Fujimori:
Aldous's Spectral Gap Conjecture
Sarth Chavan:
The Law of Large Numbers
Shihan Kanungo:
Mixing time estimates for the riffle shuffle
Siddharth Srinivasan:
Sparsho De:
Discrete-time martingales and Optional Stopping Theorem
Sriteja Vijapurapu:
The Jordan measure & Riemann integral
Steven Hwang:
Optional stopping time
Sukrith Raman:
Brownian motion
Tae Kyu Kim:
Law of the Iterated Logarithm
Taiga Nishida:
Spectral Theorem
Tanvi Deshpande:
Queueing theory
Vaibhav Mishra:
The Perron-Frobenius Theorem