Writeups for Euler Circle Proofs from THE BOOK, Summer 2020 Session 2
Aarrya Saraf:
The rectangular peg problem
Abhi Shukul:
Five-coloring plane graphs
Alan Lee:
The art gallery problem
Amulya Bhattaram:
The friendship theorem
Anthony Leong:
Solving the Dinitz problem
Aranya Karighattam:
The slope problem
Ashwin Rajan:
Proofs of irrationality & transcendence
Atharv Sampath:
The Borromean rings and hyperbolic links
Atticus Kuhn:
Error correcting codes
Christina Billings:
The Lindström-Gessel-Viennot lemma and its applications
Darren Yao:
Inequalities in analysis
Ekam Kaur:
A few results of quadratic reciprocity
Erik Felvinczi:
Error correcting codes
Guha Sriram:
Shuffing cards
Harshikaa Agrawal:
Four/five colour theorem
Heidi Lei:
The probabilistic method in combinatorics
Kishan Jani:
The Littlewood-Offord problem
Leo Kargin:
Decomposition of lines in the plane and the slope problem
Leqi Zhou:
Determinants of distance matrices of trees
Mehana Ellis:
Geometric probability and integral geometry
Neil Makur:
Proofs of irrationality
Rajashree Patel:
Boolean algebra: Stone's representation theorem
Sajid Rizvi:
Chromatic number of the plane
Sarah Fujimori:
The Hadamard determinant problem
Sarth Chavan:
Primes of the form
Suraj Oruganti:
Infinitude of primes using
-series and the Euler product
Tae Kyu Kim:
Fixed point theorems and their applications
Taiga Nishida:
Euclidean distances