Writeups for Euler Circle p-adic Analysis, Spring 2018
Abhishek Rengarajan:
Witt vectors
Alex Tholen:
Special p-adic analytic functions
Antarish Rautela:
Grunwald-Wang theorem
Archishman Sravankumar:
Hensel lifting and the discrete logarithm problem
Arjun Venkatraman:
Wildly ramified extensions of Q
Connie Jiang:
Krasner's lemma
Ethan Yang:
The Bruhat-Tits tree
Johan Vonk:
Cryptography in p-adic analysis
Karthik Balakrishnan:
Cantor set and the p-adics
Lorenzo Wolczko and Sophia Wolczko:
Euclidean models of Z
and Q
Neel Murthy:
The p-adic solenoid
Nico Brown:
Profinite Fibonacci numbers
Preston Fu:
Some strange 3-adic identities
Sanjay Gollapudi:
Monsky's theorem
Sarah Fujimori:
Monsky's theorem