Writeups for Euler Circle Mathematics of Euler, Winter 2018
Alex Tholen:
Observations on continued fractions
Anika Ramachandran:
The complex exponential function
Antarish Rautela:
Fermat's Last Theorem for
Archishman Sravankumar:
A summary of 'On numbers which are the sum of two squares'
Arjun Venkatraman:
Three squares
Edmund Chen:
Investigations in E448
Johan Vonk:
Presentation on an easy method for finding many very large prime numbers
Karthik Balakrishnan:
Euler's work on Fermat's Last Theorem
Rajiv Nelakanti:
Numbers which are the sum of two squares
Rushil Saha:
Factorization of Fermat numbers
Sarah Fujimori:
On the solution of Diophantine problems in whole numbers
Sohini Kar:
Varun Srivastava:
On the unraveling of exponential formulas